Living Confidently with Rely

Diet and lifestyle changes for managing incontinence
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle can be an effective way to manage incontinence.

Managing incontinence while traveling
Managing incontinence while traveling can be challenging, but with proper planning and preparation, it is possible to have a successful trip.

Which is Better... Briefs or Protective Underwear?
Briefs or underwear? Sounds a little confusing because in general clothing terms, they mean the same thing. However, when speaking about incontinence products, briefs and protective underwear are two very different things.

Benefits of a Waterproof Cover-Up
If you are looking for extra protection against leads from your absorbent pads, pull-ups, and adult diapers a pull-on waterproof cover-up may be your answer.

Male Incontinence: What You Need to Know
Approximately 13 million Americans are incontinent and 25% of them are men. Just because women are three times more likely to have this condition doesn’t mean men should ignore it. Especially men over the age of 50.

Tips to Help Manage Incontinence
Despite how inconvenient incontinence can be, there are ways to manage this condition so you can continue to live a happy, healthy, and active life.